Home Hi-Fi/Sound System / In Car Radio/Sound System Not Playing Music from a USB in Track Number Order of the Album

If you play music on you home Hi-Fi or in car sound system from a USB and have your music in folders, but the music isn’t playing in track order even though the track number is in the track details, or the track number is at the beginning of the title or name of the file it’s because the Hi-Fi or sound system reads the music from date modified. So to get your music to play in track order you need to copy track 01 first and wait till its finished copying, then copy track 02 and when that’s finished, copy track 03 etc. through to last track on the album. This is the same for the folders also. If you want Arctic Monkeys to play first, create a folder with the artist name, then if you want the first album to play first, create a folder with the album name, then copy each track one by one starting at track 01. Then create a folder with their second album and copy each track starting at 01. So on and so on.

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